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事案 case
その事案について権限ある当局に申立てる present the case to the competent authority →事件
ジェプソンクレ−ム Jepson claim:最初に従来技術や上位概念を記載した前提部を記載し、その後に発明の特徴部分を記載する形式のクレーム。一般的に「...において、...を特徴とする...」形式 →プリアンブル
資格 qualification
資格を与える to qualify
資格認定試験 qualifying examination
時間報酬(制) time charge, hourly rate charge:米国の弁護士、弁理士などが採用している費用請求の基準
識別子 identifier (block bracket 【0001】,【式1】など)
(化1) 【Chemical 1】, (数1) 【Mathematical 1】, (表1) 【Table 1】, (外1)【Non-Standard 1】
識別力、識別性 distinctiveness, distinctive character
識別力を有する標章 distinctive mark
識別力を欠く商標 trademark lacking distinctiveness
商標の識別力 distinctive character of a trademark
商標の識別力を生じる部分 distinctive element of a trademark →顕著性
軸の、軸方向の axial、cf. 放射方向の(radial)
事件 case
事件の表示 indication of the case
Itoh事件 Itoh case
係属中の事件 pending case, case at bar(裁判に係属)
民事事件 civil case
事件記録簿 docket
事件番号 case No.
施行 enforcement, to come into operation
施行法 Enforcement Law, Law for Enforcement、例 特許法施行法Patent Law Enforcement Law
施行令 Cabinet Order for Enforcement, Enforcement Order 例 特許法施行令 Patent Law Enforcement Order
施行規則 Enforcement Regulations (of the Patent Law), Regulation for Enforcement, implementing regulations
自己指定 self designation:国内出願に基づいて国際出願(PCT出願)をした場合、国際出願に当該国内出願の国を指定することに係わる問題。指定した場合、同一発明について同一国で2出願が並存することになる(PCT 8b)
自己衝突 self-collision:自己の先願により拒絶されること
事項 matter
特定事項に関する to relate to a particular matter
方式事項 formality matter
記録事項 matter of record
新規事項 new matter
欠くことができない事項 matter indispensable
時効 time limitation, prescription
〜の場合時効は中断する The prescription shall be interrupted if..
時効期間 limitation period
示唆 suggestion
審査官の示唆による補正 amendment suggested by the Examiner
試作品 prototype, trial model
指示 instructions
拒絶理由に対する応答の指示 instructions on the response to the Office Action
事実 fact
事実の確認 establishment of facts
事実を証明する prove facts
事実を歪める distort facts, misrepresent facts
事実上の factual, de facto; cf. de jure(法律上の)
事実上の契約 de facto contract
事実上の標準 de facto standard
自然 nature
自然の力 nature force
自然法則 law of nature
自然人 natural person; cf. juristic person (法人)
自然物 product of nature, natural product
自然の化学物質 a naturally occurring chemical substance
a synthesized substance corresponding to a naturally occurring substance will be patentable if
思想 idea, thought
技術的思想 technical idea (utilizing natural laws)
実体的な、実質的な substantive
実体審査 substantive examination, examination as to substance:方式、形式審査(formality examination)に対する用語
実体的な条件 substantive condition
特許性の実体的条件 substantive conditions of patentability
実体法 substantive law
特許実体法 substantive patent law
実体審査官 substance examiner
事件の実体判決 decision on the substance of the case
示談 out-of-court settlement, private settlement
示談にする to settle a case out of court
示談金 a composition (和解)
質権 pledge
質権の設定 creation of a pledge
持分について質権を設定 to create a pledge with his share
質権者 pledgee
実現可能性 feasibility
実現可能な feasible
実験 experiment, test
実験データ experimental data
to prove the effects or advantages by means of comparative experimental data
失効 lapse
失効する to lapse, to become null and void
失効した特許 lapsed patent
実施 working, implementation, exploitation
実施する to work (a patented invention), to exploit (an invention), to put into effect, to carry out, putting an invention into practice
実施可能な feasible, practicable
a person skilled in the art can easily effect the working thereof
業として実施 working as a business, commercial working
名目上の実施 nominal working
実施規則 [規定] Implementing Regulations, regulations of execution
実施契約 license agreement
(発明の)実施化(具体化) reduction to practice:発明が具体的に完成すること(米国において発明完成の要件の一つ)
実施できない概念の特許、ペーパーパテント a patent on an idea which cannot be reduced practice = paper patent
実施目的 working purpose
実施料、ライセンス料 license fee →実施権、→実施許諾、→実施契約
実施可能性調査 right-to-practice search:特定の製品や方法を既存の特許などの権利に触れることなく実施できるか否かの調査
実施可能性要件 (米) enablement requirement:米国出願における記載要件のひとつ。実施可能な程度の開示(enabling disclosure)、則ち当業者が実施できる程度に発明を開示していなければならないとする明細書の記載要件(35USC 112-1)
実施許諾 license
実施許諾者、ライセンサー licenser, licensor
licensee, grantee
許諾実施権 license by agreement
A licensor usually wants the agreement to extend for a long term, whereas a licensee desires a relatively short term
state on the label the relationship between the licenser and licensee
実施許諾用意あり willingness to grant licenses →実施権、→実施契約
実施契約 license agreement
実施許諾契約(書)、ライセンス契約 license[licensing] agreement
包括的実施契約 package license, blanket license →実施権、→実施許諾
実施権 license, right of exploitation
専用実施権 exclusive license
通常実施権 non-exclusive license, ordinary license
実施権者 licensee, license holder
実施権を設定する to establish a license
許諾実施権 license by agreement
実施権許諾契約草案 proposed license agreement
実施(権)料 royalty, license duty
実施権の登録 registration of license
実施権契約期間 duration of license agreement
実施権の設定登録 registration of grant of license, registration of license agreement
実施権を望む人 person desiring license
実施権付与を拒否 to refuse to grant license
A license can be registered after a patent is registered
The patent register contains information on the term, area and so on of a license agreement if a license is recorded
Registration of a license covering a pending application cannot be effected →実施許諾、→実施契約
実施態様 embodiment →実施例
実質的な substantial, material
本出願の実質的な経過 substantial history of the present application
実質審査 substance examination
相手方当事者の義務を実質的に変更 materially change the duty of the other party
実施不能 (米) inoperativeness:発明の記載が不十分である場合の拒絶の一態様
実施例 (working) example (化学), embodiment(機械・電気), practical example
(データの裏づけのある)実施例; working example; cf. prophetic example [データの裏づけのない実施例(MPEP 2164.02)]、hypothetical example 仮説例 (working exampleが得られない場合の間に合わせ)
実施例により裏付されている backed up by a working example
分割に関わる記載及び実施例を削除する to delete description and examples pertaining to the divisional
不足していた実施例を追加する補正は却下 an amendment filed to add missing working examples will be dismissed
実施例を欠いた化合物はクレームから削除 a compound for which there is no example should be deleted from the claim
実施例の追加はできない it is not possible to add working examples (later for the unexemplified compound)
examples as believed to be the best modes bringing about the best results
(参)クレーム記載の発明の実施に関わる実施例をworking example, そうでなく発明の理解に必要などの理由で提示する実施例をreference example(参考例)、→参考例
実施料、ロイヤルティ license fee, royalty
実施料率 royalty rate
特許実施料, 特許使用料 patent royalty
適正実施料 reasonable royalty
評価の確立した実施料 established royalty
The royalty in most agreements ranges from 2 to 6% of the tax-free price of the equipment covered by the patent
to inspect books and account of the licensee relative to the royalty calculation →実施権、→実施契約、→実施許諾
質問書、質問状 interrogatory →尋問
実用の utilitarian
実用的機能 utilitarian function
実用的価値 utilitarian value
実用性 possibility of reduction to practice, practical applicability
実用新案 utility model
実用新案登録出願 utility model application, application for utility model registration
実用新案登録請求の範囲 scope of claim for utility model registration
実用新案権 a utility model right
a utility model right lasts only six years from the filing date
the claim of a utility model is limited to the idea of one embodiment, i.e., one device and its modifications
the utility model system gives some incentive to owners and workers in small enterprises
Gebrauchsmuster:ドイツの実用新案出願は、方式審査を経て直ちに登録される。実体審査や異議申立制度なし。存続期間は出願日から3年。最長10年間更新可/実用新案証(フランスの実用新案)certificat d'utilite, →実用新案技術評価書
実用新案技術評価書 Examiner's technical opinion (as to the registability of utility model), u. m. search report
The U.M. search report contains in principle Examiner's opinion on novelty and inventive step over prior publications, novelty over the whole contents of earlier applications, etc., for each claim →実用新案
指定 designation
指定する to designate (a time limit for a procedure)
指定期間 time limit (designated in accordance with the law)
指定国 designated state
指定官庁 designated Office
指定手数料 designation fee
しなかった failure (to)
遵守できなかった理由 reasons for the failure to comply with
応答期間内に応答しない場合 failure to respond within the period for response (will cause the application to become abandoned)
この条に定める義務の不履行 failure in the duties and obligations provided in this article
自白 admission
裁判上の自白 judicial admission; cf. confession(刑事上の)自白
司法の judicial
司法制度 judicial system
司法手続 judicial proceedings
司法手続によらない extrajudicial
司法書士 judicial scrivener →裁判の
自明(進歩性がないこと) obvious, self-evident
クレーム4は先行技術から自明 Claim 4 is obvious over the prior art
rejected as being obvious over X in view of Y →非自明性、→進歩性
自明でない non-obvious →非自明性
斜視の perspective
斜視図 perspective view
従業者発明 employee's invention; cf. invention in service(職務発明)
終結 conclusion (結論), termination(契約、法律関係の終了)
審理終結通知 notice of conclusion of a trial examination
domicile, address, place of abode, legal residence (法定住所) ; cf. 居所 (residence)
住所変更届 notification of change in [of] the (applicant's) address
最新住所 the last known address
The Commercial Code stipulates that the address of the main office is to be regarded as the address of a juristic person
従属クレーム(従属請求項) dependent claim:他のクレームを引用しその内容を含み、更に限定したクレーム; cf. independent claim(独立クレーム)
クレーム2はクレーム1の従属項 claim 2 is a dependant of claim 1
複数従属クレーム multiple dependent claim 例:a machine according to claim 1 or 2; cf. single dependency 単独従属(形式) 例:a machine according to claim 1 →クレーム
縦断面図 longitudinal section, longitudinal sectional view
周知 widely known, well-known
周知商標 well known mark
周知の事実 a matter of common knowledge, a well known fact
subject matter consists only of application of a known method in a new field
従犯 an accessory
従犯者 an accessory, an accomplice
従犯者として間接的に侵害 for infringing indirectly as an accomplice
重要な important, material
重要度 materiality
重要な主張 material allegation
重要な争点 material issue
重要でない immaterial, 例 immaterial issue (重要でない争点)
従来技術 conventional technology, prior art, previously existing technology
従来技術に優る利点 to have an advantage over the prior art
従来技術にまさることを示す実施例 working examples to prove superiority of the invention over the prior art →先行技術
縦覧 public inspection
重量 weight
重量パーセント percent by weight, w/t %
重量部 part by weight, w/t part
2 w/t parts of trisiloxane were added to 5 w/t parts of disilazane
手交 personal delivery, to hand over, to deliver
拒絶理由通知を手交する to hand over an Office Action (to the attorney for the applicant)
趣旨 gist (要旨)、meaning(意味)、object(目的)、purport (主旨)
請求の趣旨 purport of the demand
規定の趣旨に違反 to be against the intent of the provision
手段 means, measure
ロック手段 (a) means for locking, (a) locking means
問題を解決するための手段 means for solving the problem
ある手段に訴える to resort to a measure
主張する to allege, to argue
反対意見 [賛成意見] を主張する to argue against [for]
主張されている利点 alleged merits
侵害の主張 allegation of infringement
異議申立人の主張は The opposer asserts that
出願 application
出願をする to file an application
親出願 parent application; cf. 分割出願(divisional application)
出願の要件 requisites for applications
出願の種類 type of an application
国内出願 national filing
出願の書誌事項 filing particulars
最初の出願 original filing
欧州出願 European filing
出願受領証 (米)filing receipt
出願証明書 filing certificate
本願 present application, application concerned
英語出願 application in English
外国語出願 application in foreign language
もとの出願(原出願) initial application, original application
共同出願 joint application
書面出願、紙出願 application in paper
出願の法的状況 legal status of an application
単独出願 sole application
最初の出願 first-filed application
仮出願 provisional application
受理可能な出願 acceptable application
不完全出願 incomplete application
出願先 where to file
出願の必須要素 essential elements of the application
出願規定 application regulations →出願公開、→出願書類、→出願番号、→出願日、→出願変更
出願経過 prosecution history (of an application)
出願公開 publication before examination (of an application)
出願公開された (the application) was laid open as Kokai (Jpn. Unexamined patent publication) No. ...
cf. 特開平14-9561号 Kokai (Jpn. unexamined patent publication) No. 14-9561 →早期公開制度、→公開

出願公告 publication after examination (of an application)
出願公告された (the application) was published (again) as Kokoku (Jpn. examined patent publication) No. ... (for opposition purposes)
出願審査請求書 (written) request for examination →審査
出願書類 filing documents, application papers
出願書類の提出 filing of an application
出願人 applicant
出願人名義変更届 notification of change of applicant
特許出願人 applicant for patent, patent applicant
出願番号 application[filing, serial] number
applications are numbered in the order of arrival at the PO
出願日 filing date
実際の出願日 actual filing date
出願日の遡及 retroactive effects in respect of the filing date →溯及日
出願変更 →変更
出願料 filing fee, application fee
出訴 institution of an action [a suit] (against a trial decision)
出訴期間 term for an action
出訴する to bring a suit (at the Tokyo High Court), to bring an action, to institute a law suit, to take the case to (the Tokyo High Court), to file an action, to go to law
術語 a technical term, terminology (総称)
language in a claim preamble acts as a claim limitation →用語
出典 source
出典目録 indication of sources, index of sources
種苗法 Seeds and Seedlings Law
主文 text
判決主文 the text of a (court) decision
主要な primary, main, major, principal, leading, chief
主要引例 primary reference; cf. secondary reference(補助引例)
主要部分 main part
主発明 main invention
主クレーム main claim
主要部分 main part
主特許 principal patent, main patent
受理 receipt, acceptance
受理手続 acceptance procedure
受理証 receipt
受理日 date of receipt, receiving date
受理の遅れ late receipt of documents
出願受理通知 filing receipt, notice of filing number (出願番号通知) →不受理
受理官庁 (PCT) receiving office:国際出願を受理する官庁。日本国民及び日本に居住する者の管轄受理官庁は日本特許庁
受理官庁用写し home copy(PCT)
受領 →受理
準契約 quasi contract
准成年被後見人(準禁治産者) quasi incompetent person

準拠 based on
準拠して to conform to, to follow, in conformity to, in accordance with
準拠法 governing law
遵守する to observe
国際慣行を遵守しなければならない the rules of international practice shall be observed
期限を遵守する to observe a time limit
準備書面 preliminary statement, brief
第一回準備書面 Preparatory Document (First)
準用する to apply mutatis mutandis
本規定は利益についても準用するものとする the provisions shall extend to interests
の手続に準用する shall apply mutatis mutandis to the proceedings of (=apply correspondingly to the proceedings of)
条、条文 Article, Section, Art., Sec.
29条2項 Article 29, paragraph 2; Art. 29, para.2; Art. 29-2, Art. 29 (2), Sec. 29 (2)
29条1項3号 Article 29, paragraph 1, item 3
29条1項柱書き(本文) the body of Article 29, Paragraph 1
29条1項但し書き the proviso to[of] Article 29, Paragraph 1
特許法29条の2 Article 29-bis [Art. 29-bis] of the Patent Law
184条の3 (Art. 184 ter)、の4(quarter)、の5(quinquies)、の6(sexies)、の7(septies)、の8(octies)、の9(novies)、の10(decies)
第3条に規定されるように as referred to in Article 3
30条によって pursuant to Art. 30, under Art. 30
上位概念 generic (broader) concept, super-ordinate conception cf. subordinate conception (下位概念)
障害 bar, obstacle, obstruction, barrier, impediment
特許取得の障害となる serve as a bar to patent
日本で特許を得るための障害 a bar to obtain a patent inJapan
新規性の障害であると判断される considered as a bar to novelty
障害の原因 ground for impediment
商業の commercial
commercial success
商慣習 commercial practice[custom, usage] →業務
状況 state, conditions, status, situation
出願の法的状況 legal status of an application
審査状況伺い書 status letter, status inquiry
状況証拠(間接証拠) circumstantial evidence
出願の進展状況を監視する to watch the proceedings of [development in] an application
本件の状況を4ないし6カ月間隔で報告 We will report the status of this case at four to six months intervals
承継 succession
(権利を)承継する to succeed (to the right of)
特許を受ける権利を承継した人 a person who has succeeded to the right to patent
承継人 successor, assignor
一般承継 general succession [assignment]
権利承継 [相続] 人 successor in title
特許権者の権利の承継人 successor in title to [of] the patentee
An irrevocable trial decision is binding on the parties, and those who have succeeded to them→相続、→一般承継
証言 testimony
法廷で証言する to give testimony [to testify] in the court
証人の証言によって立証された verified by the testimony of the witness
条件 condition(s)
特許の登録条件 conditions for patentability
条件を満たす to comply with [meet] the conditions (set forth in Article 37)
証拠 evidence, proof, witness
証拠調べ taking [examination] of evidence
証拠調べをする to take [examine] evidence
証拠調べの手続 proceedings relating to the taking of evidence
証拠書類 documentary evidence, documentary proof, voucher
証拠書類の提出 production of documentary evidence
証拠保全 preservation [perpetuation, conservation] of evidence
証拠を保全する to preserve the evidence
証拠方法 method of evidence, means of evidence, means of proof
証拠の表示 indication of evidence
証拠の有効日付(発行日) effective date of evidence
甲第1号証 Demandant's Exhibit No. 1
乙第1号証 Demandee's Exhibit No. 1
証拠不十分 in the absence of firm evidence
立証する、証拠を提出する to produce evidence
理由を裏づける証拠 evidence in support of the reasons
重複証拠 cumulative evidence
物的証拠 real evidence
検証 inspection of evidence
証拠を提出する機会 opportunity to present evidence
確証、反論を許さない証拠 conclusive evidence
反証 evidence to the contrary
証言する to give evidence
最良の証拠 best evidence
証拠の価値 weight of evidence
証拠の審理 hearing of evidence
証拠能力のある証拠 admissible evidence
証拠開示手続 (米。ディスカバリー) discovery:米国において、法廷外で、当事者間で互いに事件に関する情報を開示し収集することを目的として、審判(trial)前に行われる情報収集手続
条項 stipulation, articles, clauses [各項] provision, terms
契約書に〜の旨の条項を加える add to the contract a clause to the effect that
商号 trade name, commercial name, firm name
照合 check, comparison
照合欄 check list
(出願の)譲受人(承継人) assignee (of an application)
証書 deed, document, certificate (証明書)
譲渡証書 deed of assignment
証書を作成する to prepare [execute] a deed
公正証書を作成する to make a notarial deed
消尽 exhaustion
権利の消尽、用尽 exhaustion of right:特許製品を販売すると、それ以後その製品には特許権の効力が及ばない、とする理論
上申書 petition →申請書
勝訴する to win [lose] the case
勝訴者 successful party, prevailing party: cf. losing party(敗訴者)
上訴、上告 appeal
上訴裁判所 appeals court
上訴人(原告) appellant:appeal (上訴、控訴)する者; cf. appellee(上訴の被告側)
上訴裁判所 appellate court:下級裁判所からの上訴事件(appeal)を審理する上級裁判所
冗長なクレーム、長過ぎるクレーム prolix claim
過多クレーム(多すぎるクレーム multiplicity claim
petty patent
承諾 consent, approval
承諾書 letter of consent
明示の承諾なしに without his express approval
譲渡 transfer, assignment, alienation
譲渡する to assign (a patent right to), to transfer
譲渡人 assignor
被譲渡人 (譲受人) assignee
特許権を譲渡 to assign a patent right to
譲渡契約 assignment contract, contract to assign
譲渡の効力が生じない the assignment does not take effect
譲渡の効力を認める admit the validity of the assignment
一部譲渡、(指定商品毎の)分割譲渡 partial assignment
An assignment is legally effective from the date it is officially registered
A right is assigned by A to B and then transferred by B to C →譲渡証、→移転
譲渡証 assignment deed, deed of assignment
譲渡証本文の例 I do hereby declare that I am the sole owner of the following registered patent and that I have assigned the entire right, title and interest in and to said registered patent unto A or its successors →譲渡
証人 witness
証人尋問 examination of witness
敵性証人(相手方証人) adverse witness
目撃証人 eye witness
証人の手当 witness fee
証人を出す to produce witness
証人喚問 to call witness
商標 trademark
類似商標 similar trademarks
連合商標 associated trademark
立体商標 three-dimensional trademark
図形商標 figure trademark, trademark shown in drawing, device mark, picture mark
著名商標 well-known trademark
結合商標 composite trademark
慣用商標 commonly used trademark
音響商標 sound [radiophonic] trademark
有名商標 famous trademark
外国商標 foreign trademark
色彩商標 trademark in colors
語からなる商標 trademark consisting of words
識別力を欠く商標 trademark lacking distinctiveness
混同を生じさせる商標 trademark likely to cause confusion
商標見本 specimen of a trademark
商標類似 similarity of trademark
に類似する商標 trademark similar to
不使用商標取消審判 trial for cancellation of a registered trademark not in use
商標の更新 trademark renewal
商標登録簿 trademark register
商標公報 trademark journal
商標を付した商品 wares [goods] bearing a trademark
商標によって保護される商品 wares [goods] protected by a trademark
商標の保護範囲の判定 judgement on the extent of protection of the trademark
商標の国際登録 international registration of trademarks
商標権 trademark right, right of a trademark
商標権者 trademark right holder, owner of a trademark, proprietor of the trademark
商標権の取消 cancellation of a trademark right
商標権を取消す to strike out a trademark right
商標権設定登録の日 the day of registration of the creation of the trademark right
a trademark right owned by a corporation is not extinguished by dissolution of the corporation
商標権の希薄(希釈)化 dilution of trademark right
商標権取消事由 the grounds for cancellation of a trademark registration
商標登録条約 TRT, Trademark Registration Treaty
商標法 Trademark Law
商品(商標法上の) goods
商品区分 class of goods
商品の品質基準 criterion of the quality of the goods
商品分類 classification of goods and services
商品の類似 similarity of goods
真正商品 genuine goods
取引商品 article of commerce
商法 Commercial Code, Commercial Law
情報 information
情報検索 information retrieval
情報開示義務:審査上助けになる情報を開示する義務 duty of disclosure
IDS, information disclosure statement, disclosure statement →情報提供
情報提供 (日) offer [presentation] of information, information statement:出願公開後、特許すべきでないと考える第三者が特許査定を阻止すべく先行文献を提供する制度
a third party can submit a prior art document to the Examiner by an information statement system
抄本 partial copy, abstract copy, extract of [from], abridged copy
訴訟記録の正本、謄本叉は抄本 an original, a copy or an extract from the record of the case
証明 certification, verification(立証)
証明書、証書 certificate
印鑑証明書 certificate of a seal-impression
出願証明書 filing certificate
受領証 certificate of receipt
預金証書 certificate of deposit
公証人がその署名(の真実性)を証明した a notary attested the signature
を証明する第三者による証明書 a certificate from a disinterested party attesting to
を証明する事実を示す証拠 a witness giving facts proving that
must accompany the application with a certificate attesting to the fact of
証明標章 (米) certification mark
消滅する to expire, to lapse(効力を失う)
権利が消滅する the right becomes extinct
満期により消滅 patent has expired after having enjoyed the full patent term
消滅した特許 lapsed patent
特許権の消滅後であっても even after the extinction of the patent right
正面図 front (elevational) view
条約 convention, treaty 例:パリ条約(Paris Convention), 特許協力条約(Patent Cooperation Treaty), 欧州特許条約(European Patent Convention), 特許法条約(Patent Law Treaty)
省令 ministerial order[ordinance]
抄録 extract, abstract (of the disclosure)
職権で (職務上当然に) ex officio
職権 official competence, official power
職権で期間延長をする to extend the time limit by ex officio
職権尋問 interrogation by ex officio
職権審理主義 principle of proceeding by ex officio
職権訂正 correction by ex officio
職権乱用 misfeasance
食品衛生法 Food Sanitation Law
植物 plant
植物特許 plant patent
植物品種権 plant variety right
植物新品種保護に関する同盟 UPOV (Union pour la Protection des Obtantions Vegetales)
植物種の名称 denomination of a plant variety
植物種属 botanical genus
職務発明 invention in service、service invention; cf. 従業者発明 employee's invention
if an exclusive license is granted to the employer, the inventor is entitled to (receive) reasonable consideration
使用者は職務発明について通常実施権を有する an employer has a right to an ordinary license on an invention in service
書式 form, format
set the font and format of headings, captions, body copy and other elements
書式を充たす fill in forms
書誌事項 bibliographic items [data, elements]
書誌の bibliographic
除斥 exclusion, disqualification
除斥する to exclude, to disqualify
除斥原因 grounds for exclusion
除斥(忌避)の申立 motion for exclusion (refusal)
審判官の除斥、忌避 exclusion or refusal of a trial examiner
所定の prescribed, predetermined
所定の手数料 prescribed fee
所定の基準日 prescribed relevant date
所定の言語 prescribed language
所定の方式 prescribed formalities
所定の要件 prescribed requirements
所定期間内に within a time [period] provided for
処分 disposition
処分する to dispose (of)
無効処分 (the application is) dealt with as invalid
処分順序 order of handling
書面 written statement, document, paper, written instrument
書面により、書面で in writing
書面で出願人に通知 to give notice in writing to the applicant
その審判は書面により行われる the trial is conducted in writing
書面により証明する to prove in writing
書面によって表明する to express in writing
書面による相互の明示的合意 mutual express consent in writing
書面主義 principle of documentary proceeding
書面手続 paper procedure
が署名した書面で確認されない限り unless informed in writing signed by
書面契約 written contract
書面による開示 written disclosure
書面による通知 written notification
書面による手続 written proceedings →書面審理
書面審理 documentary trial examination, trial in writing
all trials are customarily conducted on the basis of written documents except 〜
所有の proprietary
所有権 proprietary right, right of ownership, property
所有者 proprietor, owner; cf. co-proprietor(共有者)
発明の所有者 owner of an invention
法的に発明の所有権を継承 to succeed legally to the ownership of the invention
所有権の変更 change of ownership, transfer of ownership

処理(する) process;(扱う)deal, treat, handle; (対処する)deal with, cope with; (解決する) settle, dispose of
事件を処理する負担を節約 to spare the trouble of processing the case
本件の処理 to take care of this case
資料 material, data
参考資料 reference material
調査資料 search documentation
資料収集 reference collection
資料課 reference department
工業所有権資料館 Industrial Property Library
指令 invitation, directive, order
指令書 written directive [invitation]
答弁指令 invitation to a reply
補正指令 invitation for amendment
特許庁からの指令にもとづき upon invitation by the Patent Office
事例 instance, example, case, precedent (先例)
事例研究 case study
case method
侵害 infringement
侵害する to infringe (on)
特許を侵害する to infringe a patent
侵害訴訟 infringement suit
侵害とみなされる行為 act deemed to be an infringement
侵害の罪 offense of infringement
文言上の侵害(文理解釈による侵害) literal infringement; cf. infringement under the doctrine of equivalents(均等論による侵害)
侵害教唆 inducing infringement
一部侵害 partial infringement
侵害訴訟 infringement suit [litigation]
善意の侵害 innocent infringement
特許を侵害から守る to hold the patent harmless against infringement
侵害から保護されるよう常に注意 must be constantly alert to protect from infringement
侵害を最初に知った日から from date of first knowledge of the infringement
侵害しようと考えている他人をひるませる to scare off others who are thinking about infringement
侵害者 infringer
侵害者に対して訴訟をおこす proceed against an infringer
新規事項 new matter
新規事項の追加 addition of a new matter
All matter which is not explicitly described in the specification of the application as originally filed is treated as new matter
Requirements for adding new matter in Japan is more restrictive than in the U.S. in that Japan has no system corresponding to continuation or continuation-in-part applications
Addition of new matter will constitute a reason for rejection at the examination stage or, if overlooked there, a reason for opposition or invalidation at a later stage
All matter not directly and unambiguously derivable from the matter described in the specification as originally filed is deemed new matter →要旨変更
新規性 novelty
発明の新規性 novelty of an invention
to conduct a novelty search to determine whether or not the application is to be filed
新規性がない (the invention) lacks novelty(by the reference)
新規性阻却事由 reasons to be a bar to novelty →新規性喪失の例外
新規性喪失の例外 exception to loss of novelty
30条による新規性喪失の例外を主張 to claim exception to loss of novelty under Art. 30
公開が行われなかったように扱われる the application will be handled as if no disclosure has been made
信義則 principle of faith and trust, fair and equitable principle(s)
取引の信義則に背反する a conduct contravening fair principles of trade
審決 trial decision, decision by trial
審決をする to render a trial decision
審決却下 dismissal by trial decision
審決に対する訴え suit against trial decision
審決取消訴訟 suit against appeal [trial] decision, suit for canceling trial decision
審決取消し判決 to give a judgement for revocation of the trial decision
審決の確定 conclusion of appeal [trial] decision
特許審決 decision in trial to patent
拒絶審決 decision in trial to reject
審決の確定する前に before the trial decision has become final and conclusive
その審決が確定した時 When the trial decision thereon has become fully binding
審決の取消事由 grounds for canceling a trial decision
審決は我々に不利 the trial examiners' decision is against us
審決に対して東京高裁へ出訴 to bring a suit before the Tokyo High Court against the trial decision →審決書
審決書 trial examiners decision, trial decision, written appeal [trial] decision, decision by trial
(審決書記載例) 拒絶査定を取消す。本出願の発明は特許すべきものとする。
The final decision of rejection is revoked. It is hereby decided [recognized] that the invention of this application should be patented. . .( Further, no other reason for rejection of this application can be found. Therefore, this case has been decided as mentioned in the above conclusion) →審決
進行 progress
進行中の業務 work in progress
親告罪 offense subject to prosecution on complaint
審査 examination
審査する to examine
審査に係属 to be pending with the examination
審査請求 request for substantive examination
審査中の出願 application under examination
審査請求をする to make [file, lodge] a request for substantive examination
審査基準 examination criteria, examination standard, rules of examination, examination guideline
審査主義 substantive examination principle
審査結果 examination outcome
出願時の審査(方式審査) examination on filing
早期審査 (米 MPEP708.02) advanced examination
優先審査 preferential examination →優先
審査状況伺い書 status letter, status inquiry
審査過程中に in the course of examination
A substantive examination can be requested within three years from the filing date, i.e., by 〜
審査部 examining section, examination board
審査報告書 examination report
審査官 examiner
分類審査官 classification examiner
方式審査官 formality examiner
実体審査官 substance examiner
審査官による前置審査 reexamination by the examiner before trial
審査官補 assistant examiner
審査官の手を離れる the application leaves the examiner's hand
審査官の負担を減じる to reduce the workload of examiners
審査官の見解の変化 change in the opinion of the Examiner
審査長、主審査官 Examiner-in-chief
審査前置 日) pretrial reexamination, reexamination by the Examiner before trial, reexamination before trial =前置審査:審判請求と共に補正があった場合、審判官による審判に先立って審査官がする再審査
a pretrial reexamination was released and the case was transferred to the Trial Board; The application was released from the pretrial examination and was transferred to the Board of Appeal Trial
心証 conviction
審尋 questioning, interrogation, hearing →尋問
申請書 petition, a written request, request(申請)
申請人 petitioner
真正な authentic, true
真正な謄本 true[authentic] copy
(内容が)真正であること authenticity 例:to doubt the authenticity of any signature(署名の真実性について疑義をもつ)
I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the original
信託 trust
進展 development, progress, advance
進展を監視する To watch developments in an application
no further development has been recorded in the database →経過
親等 degree :兄弟は1親等(first degree)、祖父母と孫は2親等(second degree)
審判 (1) appeal trial(査定系:拒絶査定・補正不服審判)
(2) trial(当事者系:特許無効・訂正無効審判)
審判を行う to conduct a trial
審判手続 trial proceedings
審判請求 demand for trial
審判請求する to demand an appeal trial (against the Examiner's rejection)
審判請求書 demand for appeal trial, notice of trial, Notice of Appeal(米):(参)審判[アピール]参照
審判請求理由補充書 trial brief, Appeal Brief (米。37CFR 1.136a)
審判請求人 demandant of a trial
審判に係属 to be pending at the Trial Board
審決 trial decision
審判手続 trial proceedings
審判当事者 party to a trial
不公平な審判 unjust trial
拒絶査定に対して審判を請求 to demand an appeal trial against the Examiner's final rejection
審判の請求期限 time limit for demanding an appeal trial
(参)審判[アピール]:米国において最終拒絶されたクレームについてこれを不服ととしてBoard of Patent Appeals and Interferences (特許審判、抵触部)に対して請求する不服申立手段(35USC 134)。この審決に不服の場合、連邦地裁またはCAFCに提訴できる →審判官、→審判部、→審理
審判官 trial examiner(s), collegial body of trial examiners(審判官の合議体)
審判長 trial examiner-in-chief, presiding Examiner in trial
the application is examined by a panel of three trial examiners not including the original examiner
審判官室 chamber of trial examiners →審判、→審理、→審判部
審判部 Patent Office Trial Department, Board of Trial, Trial Board, Board of Appeal (EPOの審判部)
The Patent Office Trial Board corresponds to what is called "Board of Appeals" in the U.S. patent practice
審美的な →美的な
進歩性 inventive step (of the invention over the prior art) : 特許要件の一つ。当業者が出願時の技術水準に基ずいて容易に創作できない程度の発明であること
No inventive step is recognized in applying a method known in one field to solve a similar problem in a related field →非自明性
尋問、審尋 interrogation
尋問書 interrogatory, interrogation, questionnaire
尋問する question
誘導尋問 leading question
反対尋問(交互尋問) cross examination
審判当事者が鑑定人尋問の許可を得た the party to a trial obtained permission to interrogate an expert witness
信用 reputation, (業務上の) reputation in business, business credit
信用回復の措置 measures for the recovery of reputation
to order the infringer to take action to restore the patentee's commercial reputation
審理 trial examination
審理する(口頭審理の) to conduct a hearing
審理を終結する to conclude a trial examination
審理終結通知 notice of conclusion of a trial examination
審理開始前に before the trial takes place 審判、→審判官
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